Home >> Pidgin English >> One police man sitdown dey read bible one day na yim some jehovah withness preachers come inside the police station to preach to ram - one of the pre
Pidgin English:
One police man sitdown dey read bible one day na yim some jehovah withness preachers come inside the police station to preach to ram - one of the preachers con ask am : who kill Abel sir? - The police officer con shout : Ask supol Ibrahim na yim dey incharge of murder cases!
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A policeman is reading a Bible When some Jehovah withness preachers came into the police station to preach to him
- One of the preachers asked : Who killed Abel sir?
- The police officers aswered shouted: Ask supol ibrahim he is the one in charge of murder cases!
Igbo Nkemakolam
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