Home >> English >> Ndi Nze na Ozo.Akwa Ocha (White Cloth) - Purity (Nze na Ozo denotes power and leadership among other things. Power in Nigeria is held by people f
Ndi Nze na Ozo.
Akwa Ocha (White Cloth) - Purity (Nze na Ozo denotes power and leadership among other things. Power in Nigeria is held by people from cultures that wear Agbada, I guess since the end of the war, some of us has adopted the mantra ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’).
Okpu Mme (Red cap) - Fire of Agbala, for truth & justice.
Rope on red cap - Eke Idemmili (Ball Python), the deity of Idemmili river.
Akupe (Hand fan).
Alo (metal/woo
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