Home >> English >> Can You Tranlate These Popular Mugabe's Quotes About Women To Pidgin:God is the best inventor ever, He took a rib from a man and created a loudspeaker
Can You Tranlate These Popular Mugabe's Quotes About Women To Pidgin:
God is the best inventor ever, He took a rib from a man and created a loudspeaker.
If you are ugly; you are ugly – stop talking about inner beauty because we don't walk around with X-rays.
Dear sister, don't be deceived by a man who text you "I miss you" only when it's raining, You are not an umbrella.
When you kiss a girl from another nationality, do it we
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Pidgin English:
God na the baddest creator ever liveth, He just take one rib from one bros use am create loudspeaker.
If u no fine, you no fine, make you no dey talk about beauty wey dey inside abeg we no dey carry xray vision waka about.
Sister no allow man dey deceive you with his I miss you talk only when rain dey fall, you no be umbrella abeg.
My fellow bad guys if una get opportunity to kiss girl from another country, make una represent wela.
(more)God na the baddest creator ever liveth, He just take one rib from one bros use am create loudspeaker.
If u no fine, you no fine, make you no dey talk about beauty wey dey inside abeg we no dey carry xray vision waka about.
Sister no allow man dey deceive you with his I miss you talk only when rain dey fall, you no be umbrella abeg.
My fellow bad guys if una get opportunity to kiss girl from another country, make una represent wela.
Some women legs be like radio(less)
Igbo Nkemakolam
Pidgin English
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